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The following symptoms are not normal, these are all dysfunction of the Pelvic Floor and Inner Core:
One out of every three women will develop a pelvic floor dysfunction at some point in her life.
Many women do not report it; instead, they accept it and live with it.
Peeing when sneezing
Back pain
Pelvic girdle pain
Painful sex
Diastasis Recti
We've been taught to believe that this is something that just happens, when in fact there is something you can do about it.
In this course, you’ll be guided by Core Specialist and expert, Cheryl Coppa, and learn to be in tune with your body.
You'll be able to not only control and reverse the situation you're in right now but also maintain it for the long run.
Why is it different than a PT session?
We understand the value you get from physical therapy as well as the struggle with cost and amount of sessions you get within your insurance coverage.
Our program will complement your physical therapy even before that step and after.
With our program, you are not limited, and when you calculate the cost and follow our recommended session work (2 sessions per week) - you realize that you are not only saving money but also saving a lot of time.
Additionally, you receive a free equipment delivery and unlimited support from our team of experts.
In this way, you are equipped to address your issue at hand, as well as the work required after recovery to maintain the longevity and strength of your core and pelvic floor.
We learn and share with physiotherapists, urologists, and OBGYNs to offer the safest and proven methods to restore and rebuild your core and Pelvic Floor.
At the end of the course, you will be able to…
Leave your house without looking for a bathroom nearby
Enjoy long walks and exercise regularly
Enjoy sexual intimacy
Never again use incontinence pads
Increase the quality of life while saving time and money
Become both physically and mentally healthy
Dr. Alyssa Hariprashad is a dedicated healthcare practitioner who believes in the promotion of preventative care in rehabilitative medicine. Alyssa began her career by earning a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science from the University at Buffalo and a Doctorate of Physical Therapy from New York Institute of Technology. She applies an evidence-based and holistic approach to wellness, with a focus on interventions that meet the changing needs of her patients and help prevent future injuries. She enjoys treating different kinds of populations including pelvic floor dysfunction and gender reassignment surgical rehabilitation. She believes in an individualized approach to care, and strongly promotes patient education to enhance awareness and prevention of injuries. Alyssa is studying to become a pelvic floor certified specialist in the near future. She is also the creator of "The Pelvic Floor Playbook" which is a blog / Instagram page which advocates for all people who want their stories and voices to be heard. Pelvic floor rehabilitation awareness is a topic that holds near and dear to her heart and it is unfortunately the type of physical therapy that gets overlooked. She is looking to change this by advocating for her patients.
Backed by Professionals

"For years, I've struggled with Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. Physical therapy was never an option for me because I couldn't afford it and was too embarrassed to display my intimate areas. I decided to give Ola Ka Ola's Pelvic Floor program a try, and I've been doing it for three months now, and the difference I've noticed has changed my life. Knowledge, routines, and personal guidance have helped me become more aware of my body and how to strengthen specific areas. I never would have gotten that much from a single program anywhere else. "It's a no-brainer""

"This program is so worthwhile. I never realized how much the Pelvic Floor is a part of our core! And strengthening this muscles is an important part of becoming stronger as we age. If Ola Ka Ola's Pelvic Floor program was a college program, I would suggest making this program a prerequisite course!"

"I highly recommend every woman to take this program! Cheryl's teaching is very clear and methodical. She explains every move so well and is very encouraging. So many times I felt like I would never be able to do certain move, but with her clear and encouraging instructions I have been able to achieve things I never thought possible! I have been dealing with a very weak core and Pelvic Floor for years, I still have a way to go but I have seen so many improvements so I know if I keep going, things will only get better from here. Take the program, you won't be sorry!"

"It is the first day that my sacrum is not hurting. When I first rolled the ball under my foot when I got my delivery, boy did that hurt in the sacrum, now I can do it and I feel nothing there, so I know I'm getting in proper alignment and releasing. Thank you!"
"You do such a fantastic job teaching us! You explain everything we're doing perfectly, and slowly so it's very easy to understand what to do and how to do it. You do it all with such finesse and compassion so that we can have a better and healthier life, Thank you!"

"I have had a lot of growth since starting this program. I got my confidence back at least some of it. It was enough to push me to start moving forward again. Physically and mentally. I'm so grateful for this opportunity and information. It is truly life changing and should be learned by all women. Solely because we lack in woman's health education across the board and I mean these simple things are literally life changing and so easy. I just wanted to thank you again "