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Ola Ka Ola Team of Women

More Testimonials


"After joining the program, I can honestly say my attitude, sleep, and confidence has improved tremendously. I find myself speaking about the program constantly because I really enjoy it and I want others to experience what I feel."


"I’m really happy with what I’m receiving with the program and what a benefit it’s having on my life. I am a retired teacher and a mom, and I am approaching 60 years old. I felt that it was a really important time for me to invest in my personal health and to become stronger and I really find that the exercise box is helping me do that physically and mentally to become a stronger person. I love the encouragement and support that I receive from all of the teachers. I love getting personal messages from them and I really really like being able to can choose my session sometimes at the last minute. I am extremely happy with the fact that I do feel stronger and what a fun thing is to get a surprise box in the mail, that was super cool"


"Ola ka Ola has been such a turning point in my life. I’ve become part of a great group of strong women who genuinely care about each other. The support system from the trainers to the nutritionist and the fellow members is incredible. No one judges you, you work at your own pace. We share stories, we share memories. This is not a cookie cutter group, it’s an individual group where we all work at our own pace for the same goal - to feel better about ourselves and to be healthy. It’s not only healthy on the outside it’s healthy on the inside. Your mind, your body, your soul. I think everyone should join the program."


"When I reached menopause I struggled. I was starving myself without losing any weight so I knew I needed to make a change, and that's where Ola Ka Ola came in. I'm about to be 60 years old. I recently had a doctor's appointment and she was overwhelmed by my transformation. She even asked what my secret I told her.  If you are out there struggling with any of your weight goals or health  challenges, I really recommend this. It's been truly great looking at the mirror lately. I'm not shying away from looking at myself and it's all thanks to this wonderful program and all the wonderful instructors"


"This program is definitely my new playground! Starting with the exciting surprise box that waited for me on my doorstep with all the awesome props in it, through the large selection of live sessions, and of course, the incredible instructors who keep me motivated all the time. Whenever I log into a session, I always feel welcome and encouraged. They know how to give modifications according to my personal level, they contact me after class, and if I haven't made it to class, they'll contact me to check if everything is OK. It's only been 3 weeks into the program and I can already see results. I love it!"


"I want to thank Ola Ka Ola for kind of changing my life. It’s the first time I have ever stayed committed to exercise and I truly think it’s thanks to the community of women. It’s such a cool thing to be part of."


"I originally joined Ola Ka Ola because I liked the fact that it has more than traditional classes, but it also offers other programs. I have had the opportunity to get individualized instruction from some of the great trainers, an opportunity to meet one on one with a nutritionist and get information tailored to me and my needs, and just as importantly, I learned that there’s a whole community of women that are part of the program. like-minded women who are very supportive of each other, I hope you'll have an opportunity to check it out and join us for a class."


"This program is awesome! I love the diversity of the sessions and teachers to choose from, as well as how many times a day you can choose a class from (which is good as a mom of five)!  I need flexibility and it actually gets me motivated to work out no -excuses with this program! I was also very pleased with the quality of the exercise mat that was sent and the massage stick- that was such a bonus!"


"I’ve been with Ola Ka Ola since the beginning. I love that you can take the program anywhere you go. My body has changed so much since I’ve been working out with these trainers and I got so many compliments. They always level it up for me and show modifications for beginners. It’s so rewarding and you feel that you have a whole group of women behind you supporting you for your particular goal. Anytime you need to talk to your trainers they are always available for you. This is amazing"


"My fitness journey started in 2020 while scrolling through Instagram and following fitness instructor Aggy’s posts. While in quarantine, I did some fitness classes with my daughter, I rode my bike and walked my dog, but I have never seen the results I’m seeing now. On January 14, 2021, I reached out to Aggy and joined Ola Ka Ola. I struggled to do most of the workouts, but I kept going.  I couldn’t breathe and I couldn’t do a sit-up. But I kept going. I changed my food choices, and I increased my protein. My daughters are very proud of me and that makes me feel proud of myself. I am now size 14 down from a size 18 and those clothes are actually loose!  I even purchased a 2-piece bathing suit and I’m wearing it proudly!  I feel good in my jeans and have sculpted shoulders! This is no joke; My 59th birthday was wonderful. I felt the love from everyone in my life but most importantly I feel the love that I’m giving to myself by continuing to stay healthy!  All my love and support to Aggy and the many students as well as the Exercise Box STAFF AND TRAINERS"


"One of the most amazing platforms on the planet, tailored for women over 40. I joined in 2020 at the beginning of the pandemic as I wanted to still work out and become healthier. I am so happy that I don’t have to leave the house and drive all the way to the gym. I just love the trainers and the community."


"I love Ola Ka Ola! I love the variety of classes. I love the variety of time, and of course the variety of all our fabulous instructors. There’s a workout for everyone. I also love the surprises they send in the mail. We are family."


"Days when my intrinsic motivation is lacking, I can rely on Olakaola to provide extrinsic motivation and lift me back up again"


"Totally loving it. A great fit. Just didn't find anything as broad ranged here that I could afford...  and I love the family feel!!"


"I  have been a member for over a year. I have to say I LOVE this program! I am not one who sticks with anything long - but Ola Ka Ola is different for me. Although I have not been a model student the past month, I was able to contact a trainer and asked to be talked off the ledge of destruction. And God bless my Angel, she did. I am back on track taking a class at least once a day. This group is such a great support team. I suffer from chronic degenerative arthritis in my knee, ankles and lower back. I am currently nursing tendinitis in my left hand thumb and wrist. But I  do not let it hold me back. I will admit November I played the pity card/ but no more. I am back in the swing and feel better about myself already! If I can’t do a move I just do something else for the time being. If you haven’t checked out this amazing program - do it for no one else but yourself! You will be happy I promise. Thank you all at Olakaola for keeping me in line and for showing me so much support."


"I'm only really two days into doing the alignment, breathing, stretching and I'm just shocked at how good I felt today sitting in church! It's been a long time since I sat without pain in my tailbone! And this is just the beginning! Thank you for sharing this with me, I can't wait to continue on!"


"I'm enjoying this program 5-7 days a week and have lost about 6 pounds and some tummy rolls. I'm so encouraged! The classes are fun, so I keep coming back. This is the first time I'm looking forward to working out!"


"I really enjoy the program. I found a community of women, of like-minded women who are at the same point in life. Frankly, I felt kind of alone during the pandemic. It’s been rather difficult, as my children left the nest, and I'm winding down with work. Once I found the program I could log in and talk with other women who are experiencing the same thing. This has really brightened up each day. The women that I’ve encountered have such a bright spirit and it's been quite fulfilling"


"Since joining the program I automatically felt as though I belonged to something special. I felt so welcomed and I started looking forward to seeing everyone in class and we started supporting each other. It’s been such a great experience. This community, even if it’s online, is so special. The instructors become your friends and people from other areas of the country become your friends. I am one of the people that didn’t believe in that and ever since I joined I changed the way I look at exercise. I really enjoy having this type of community"


"I started Ola Ka Ola during the pandemic. I like the group environment and training. There's so much comradery that you get from group training. I love the idea that it’s only 30 minutes and that you also have the on-demand option. I was worried at first from the technology - what if I got stuck and couldn't get on a class? but I quickly realized that the response and support were immediate and I always found an answer to any quotations. 

As a dietitian, I was able to share my expertise and give back to the community and help others, which to me is rewarding and so enjoyable. 

The support from the community is phenomenal - When you jump on a live class it’s more like you’re developing connections with others that we wouldn't have otherwise. You get motivation to work out. You get challenged. When you’re in a group class we care about each other. If someone doesn’t show up we check why. 

I would recommend this program without hesitation. Start at your own level and progress. Take a proactive approach to your health and have a great team of experts to support you and guide you  along, and that is so important"


"When we miss a class the Ola Ka Ola trainers will call you and check on you, and ask what’s wrong. Ola Ka Ola is a beautiful place to go to. I don’t go to the gym anymore. The community that I see every day online lifts my spirits. It’s my sanity time. Thank you so much Ola Ka Ola"


"When Katelyn first came to our instructor Ada she couldn’t run up a flight of stairs without literally being fatigued. A modified push-up was a struggle and any leg exercise was taboo!  She knew she needed to change her habits. Having a wedding in September was her motivation. This is what happens when you’re dedicated and have a trainer who will push you and have faith that you can achieve your goals. That’s what Ola Ka Ola is about."


"It is a place where women meet not only to exercise, but to motivate one another, inspire each other. We worry about one another when we don’t show up. We are all like-minded strong women that are determined to take care of our health and wellness. We support each other, we celebrate victories, birthdays and the birth of grandchildren. It's so much more than just an exercise program. It's a community. A family, a tribe. A tribe I am honored to belong to and I cannot see my life without it. I am so grateful for the friendships and mentorships. You can’t put a price tag on your health and wellness and I really truly believe this is so well worth it and I love my Ola ka Ola family"


"Just a quick shout out to Ola Ka Ola, you girls complete me my whole world revolves around my 6 o'clock at night"


"I want to thank you for this wonderful organization of women helping women live our best lives by being the best we can be! Your gifts are really a joy to receive and are all very relevant and useful.  I literally frequently use every gift. Thank you so much!"


"You ladies are so amazing and so special, I mean that with all my heart! I know I'm not the only one that feels that way... You just make us feel so loved and so special, I just want to cry. Thank you to all you ladies at Ola Ka Ola! God Bless!"


"I feel much stronger and overall better and I've only done it for 2 weeks! I'm excited that I have found something that I feel I can do without killing myself. I don't feel like a failure and I'm excited to actually go to class! Thank you so much for making me feel welcome and motivating me!"

"This is so so inspiring! I also have never stuck with any program this long but it has been the best thing I’ve ever done!"


"Hi ladies, I wanted to share with you some great news! Today I had some blood work and my HbA1C (measure blood glucose levels for the past 3 months) went down from 5.6 to 5.3! This surprised me but I know it's because of all the amazing classes, including HITT, resistant training, Pilates and yoga (plus the running that I do).  As you know I don't do it every day and have 1-2 days rest depending on the week. Thank you for all the amazing support ❤"


I am blown away! So many awesome goodies! 2 super cute tanks, 3 bands, cooling towel, hat, drawstring bag, and an exercise ball! Thank you Cheryl Coppa for introducing me to this program! I absolutely love it! The live workouts are so fun and definitely keep me motivated and accountable! There are multiple trainers and types of workouts! I'm lucky my trainer is also my friend excited to continue my fitness journey. Feeling better and stronger every day!


"I am enjoying the courses immensely. Using muscles I had forgotten about!"


"I am really enjoying this program and I wish I had found it sooner"


"These workouts keep me accountable & it’s something I look forward to. Aggy knows how to crank it up with weights and I love the daily abdominal work. Tasha’s energy so early in the morning is truly contagious- she gets my heart pumping & ready for the day. I can’t wait to attend more classes with the other trainers. I already feel a change in my mood & I wear this shirt with pride!"


"I've been exercising regularly for 3 to 4 years and tried many platforms and apps but did not stick to any as long as yours. Your exercises are very effective, fun, and always new!"

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