Poor sleep? Difficulty with stress management? Achy joints? Poor nutrition and hot flashes?
Good news! Trainer Lisa Wellington has developed a program addressing these and other menopause symptoms.

There are 42M women aged 45-64 in the US according to the 2020 Census. Most of them will experience menopausal symptoms, that will significantly impact their everyday lives.
Menopause which is defined as the complete cessation of menstrual periods, and occurs naturally in most women, includes symptoms like hot flushes, night sweats, insomnia, vaginal dryness, mood disorders, and weight gain.
Though millions of women will experience various symptoms, according to AARP, most medical schools and residency programs don't teach physicians about menopause, leaving women who are experiencing symptoms, untreated.
For this reason, Pilates instructor, Lisa Wellington, from the Ola Ka Ola wellness platform, developed an exercise program to relieve some of her clients’ and her own menopausal symptoms.
"I have been training in this age group for years and finally determined that many of us don't have a support system with the right information and the right tools. The LIVE program that I developed uses Pilates functionally as we transition through life, providing relief with the right exercise and the right intensity.” Says Lisa.

Her Pilates participants noticed an increase in muscle strength, balance, flexibility, and stress reduction. During her classes, Lisa ensures to also educate her participants about menopause to make sure women will stop suffering in silence. According to her, Menopause has been a Taboo subject for years and we don't need to go through those years alone.
“I developed this program from my knowledge of Pilates and my experience with my own journey with peri to post-menopause and witnessing how the benefits of Pilates exercise can help women through this time.”
In each class, Lisa will address a different symptom(s) that women experience during peri-menopause and menopause along with basic nutrition tips, healthy habits, and stress management tools
Pilates for Common Menopause Symptoms: Using Pilates moves in a functional way addressing osteoporosis, achy joints, pelvic floor activation, and hip release. Focusing on lightweight movements, relaxing, and stretching.
Pilates for the Spine, Shoulders, and Hips: Mixing strength, mobility, and core strength.
The Posture Project: Beginning with Posture Analysis, using various pieces of equipment we will focus on postural awareness exercises adding flexibility and stretching.
Pilates HIIT for Metabolism: Utilizing Yoga Blocks we work quickly through 30 sec Pilates-inspired exercises focusing on balance, mobility, and strength.
Pilates for Neck and Shoulder Pain: Using Pilates moves to Relieve Neck and Shoulder Tension, which is linked to migraine headaches using stretching and mobility moves
Pilates for Pelvic Pain and Pelvic Tension: Focusing on relief and relaxation of the lower back, hips, and pelvis using a gentle approach with movement to release tension and increase blood flow circulation.
“It’s time to CELEBRATE menopause and change the narrative. Let’s spread the word
and start the conversation.” Says Lisa.
Lisa Wellington - Trainer

Lisa has over 12 years as a health and wellness professional with an emphasis on personal training, Pilates, and program design. Lisa is an AFAA certified personal trainer and holds certifications as a P90x coach, Pilates Instructor, and Group Fitness Instructor. Lisa’s Pilates training has influenced how she trains her clients on the fitness floor, focusing on body awareness, core strength, breathing, alignment, posture, and corrective exercises. Interests & Achievements: Iron Girl and Gillie Girl Triathlons, Corning Half Marathon, Fitbodies Pro Instructor, Ola Ka Ola online Fitness Instructor. Lisa Completed courses in Integrated Balance Training, Functional Programming for the female client, The female physique: The Female Glute Relocation Program, Understanding the Female Pelvic Core Neuromuscular System.