If you find yourself not enjoying a specific workout It's time to exercise based on your unique biological profile

By Cheryl Coppa
Ever wonder why you may hate a particular exercise style, while it makes someone else feel absolutely amazing?
The answer could be in your blood type! Yes, you read that right! I'm sharing some information taken from the book ‘Eat Right For Your Blood Type ‘ ~ The individualized Blood Type Diet solution by Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo.
Might sound crazy, but definitely worth a read. I can tell you from my own personal experience with myself and my family, we have used these techniques to understand our own personal situations and used the tools suggested, and achieved amazing results with all of us.
What is great for one may not be great for another. Take tomatoes, for example, a fruit that is a great source of antioxidants that helps reduce heart disease and cancer. Also, a great source of vitamin C, potassium, folate, and vitamin E . Then on the other hand for someone whose body cannot handle it (mine!!) I have a terrible inflammatory response and I get Psoriasis.
"I had clients that absolutely hated a cardio routine or left a session not feeling amazing. I started to ask the question, do you know what your blood type is? I started to implement this in their training and they found more enjoyment and better results using movements that their body responded better to."
We have as a society started to accept this truth, that nutrition is not a one-size-fits-all. We understand different bodies respond differently to different foods. According to this Blood Type of Diet, it is no different when it comes to your exercise routines or the type of activities you do! I LOVE intensity and my body and mind crave it. After intense training, my stress is gone and I feel renewed and ready to take on whatever comes my way. Turns out, that is what is recommended for my blood type. My body responds best to stress with intense physical activity. I do want to note that still, even when I first started my fitness journey, I hated it! I still had to give my body the chance to adapt, especially after a lifetime of not living that way, so keep that in mind as well. After experimenting and using this knowledge within my own family, I started to use it with personal training clients. The clients that absolutely hated a cardio routine or left a session not feeling amazing. I started to ask the question, do you know what your blood type is? I started to implement this in their training and they found more enjoyment and better results using movements that their body responded better to. This is something to consider, especially after 40. We should enjoy what we do, this is what helps keep us consistent and showing up.
Here at OlaKaOla, we have all the genres to fit all the blood types and all the different lifestyles. You can see it in your trainers, we all have different styles and yet we are all fit, so there is no one size fits all. We have all the tools here for your unique body and your unique goals. Regardless of what type of movement we do, our bodies were designed to move and this is how we thrive! Unfortunately, as we evolve we move less, so there needs to be some type of ‘movement prescription’ as I like to call it. Exercise routines are essential to maintain good health physically, and emotionally and to manage stress. How much is too much? What type do you thrive in? Let’s find out! It is never too late to work towards being your healthiest self. I continue to be amazed by our bodies and the brilliant machines they are with superior design. Sometimes we just need to take a step back, listen to the signals our body is giving us and make adjustments as needed. With your blood type as your guide, you have a map to zero in on the health, stress management, weight-loss, and fitness solutions to your exact biological profile. You might think it's crazy, but the more we know, the more we can appreciate, understand and support our bodies! Yours always, Cheryl
About Cheryl Coppa
Cheryl Coppa is a wife, mother of three, Core Confidence Specialist, Glute Specialist, Personal

Trainer, and Pre/Postnatal Fitness Specialist. Cheryl's fitness journey didn’t even start until she was pregnant with child # 3. She knows what it’s like to feel sick and tired and start from scratch. Cheryl focuses on helping women achieve physical fitness and performance with minimal time deposits. "It’s never too late to start. Fitness is a lifelong journey, so hop on & let’s enjoy the ride".