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How Many Success Stories do you Need to Hear Before you Decide to Write Your Own?

Updated: Dec 20, 2022

By Cheryl Coppa

Bri is a single mother of two and a very busy hairstylist. She is now celebrating her first anniversary with Ola Ka Ola, and you won't believe her transformation. Bri was joined by Cheryl Coppa as she spoke about her remarkable change.

I love when women share their success stories. It has always motivated me to see other women succeed. and it is ultimately what got me started on my own fitness journey years ago. This is why I am so thrilled that Bri was open to sharing her success journey with all of us.

“Every woman’s success should be an inspiration to another. We’re strongest when we cheer each other on.", says Briana.

Brianna (Bri) is 36, a single mother of two, and works full-time as a hairstylist. So as you can imagine or even relate, she is very busy. Just recently was Bri’s one-year anniversary with Ola Ka Ola. In this time she has lost 40 lbs, 12 inches, and kept it off! But even more importantly I asked her what she gained. -

Bri: Oh my goodness, so much more self-confidence, self-awareness. I have learned to appreciate my body in what I can do. And I think one of the biggest milestones that I have noticed throughout this was the training for the 5k for the 4th of July. (1 month to 5k is a program we offer in the summer C.P.). Before that, when I was running, I would think things like, "I want to be done with this, this is terrible," but then I realized I was telling myself, "keep going, you got this, you are doing fantastic," and I was surprised where this attitude had come from. So, it just kind of rubs off on you and teaches you how to be kind to yourself, and this isn’t just a quick fix. Now, if I didn’t sweat and work out for 30 minutes, it's like I have forgotten something for the day.

Beware This Program Has a Long List of Positive Side Effects

I also want to mention, as her trainer, after she completed that 5k program she just kept on running! While the summer weather permitted, she would add her runs during the week all by herself. For those of us who do not like fitness, or are used to feeling that way, there is a reason this change happened - This shift in the mind that just happened along the way, it's part of the journey. ☺️ My favorite thing is to hear about all the gains Bri has experienced in her life. What we gain from adding this small deposit to our day, ends up changing us in ways we didn’t expect.

The gains overflow into every aspect of our lives and really do become life-changing. I always imagine a drug commercial with a loooooong list of horrible side effects, and then I think of the programs and the training we offer, and the Loooong list of POSITIVE side effects that come along with that. Can we make that commercial happen? ☺️ Just like Bri said, to all the mothers out there, our kids are watching us. What we are doing is fueling our lives. Exercise is not punishment, it is a building-up process. Taking care of our body so we can be strong and full of life for the days that we are given, mentally and physically. Hopefully, our kids will carry this on, at least it is a solid presence they witness so they know what to do when they need to make a positive change.

We have many “Ola KIDS Ola” pop up in classes, and it makes everyone smile!

"Exercise is not punishment. It has just become part of my routine. If I didn’t sweat and workout for 30 minutes, it's like I have forgotten something for the day.“ Briana, Ola Ka Ola, Member

Bri has dabbled in and out of fitness a few times but it never really stuck and she got bored and dreaded her workouts, so I asked her “What is it with Ola Ka Ola that you have been able to stay consistent?

Bri: I am never bored, something new every day, a great support network, and the energy is always good!

It’s not a one-size-fits-all, it has the range that I need, if I feel like I just need to move and do the cardio, or if I just need stretching, I have options. It’s also super educational, the pelvic floor stuff and the special Olympic guest you recently had, keep me on my toes as I get bored doing the same thing over and over again.

I can’t go to the gym, as I don’t have child care for that, so for me to have found something that is just so effective to do at home has just been life-changing and not only that but my children are watching! So if I even think about it my daughters immediately ask: "aren’t you going to work out tonight mom? “. I never went about weight loss the healthy way, It was about getting revenge body and I would go to the gym and work out, but until this past year, I wanted to be healthier, I wanted to feel good. It was for nothing else but for me, not to look better for somebody else, but also to set an example for my kids.

In the photo: Bri today vs. a year ago

Due to Bri’s demanding schedule, she is doing the training On Demand. This way she is able to do them on her schedule. On average she is doing 30-minute classes, 5 days a week.

Bri: It’s a question that everyone asks, “how do you stay motivated? “ - Last night, for example, I had an extremely busy day. I got home, and mentally all day it was in my head, it’s Thursday, I know what kind of workout today is (and it’s her favorite. C.P 😊), it's on my to-do list just like anything else I know needs to be done on Thursday (the dishes, the laundry, etc). It has just become part of my routine. Even though it was such a busy day, it was work mode, mom mode, I didn’t get my workout in until 9:30 pm, but I got it in.

Bri and I were chatting about how we have to give ourselves the opportunity to love this. It doesn’t happen right away, Mostly because we have these preconceived notions of what fitness is or how we experienced it in the past and it’s viewed as a punishment. But if you can really just keep an open mind and realize this is a celebration of what you CAN do and what you ARE capable of! When this shift happens, as it always does, if you give it enough time, you fall in LOVE with the journey. Because that is what it is, a journey

"I wanted to be healthier, I wanted to feel good. It was for nothing else but for me, and I wanted to feel good not to look better for somebody else, but also to set an example for my kids."

There are ups and downs and zig zags all along the way. But, you are guided and supported and realize that your efforts are going to be different all the time, based on sleep, stress, the time of year, and so many different things. But life is life (the meaning of Ola Ka Ola - life goes on) we still take care. Maybe that means something different every day, but we still take care.

You can watch a short clip of my conversation with Bri HERE.

How many success stories do you need to hear, before you decide to write your own? You can gift yourself the start, the guided start. A journey where you are cheered along and guided to find the right routines for your specific needs and goals.

Take advantage of the Holiday pricing and look forward to meeting with you and helping you find the perfect fit on what training fits you best.

💖 Happy & Healthy Holidays and a Strong Healthy New Rear, I mean Year! 😃

Want to start writing your success story? Join us today - click here.


About Cheryl Coppa

A certified Core Confidence Specialist (Core and Pelvic Floor retraining)

A certified Personal Trainer specializing in women's fitness over 40

Low-Pressure Fitness / Hypopressive certified by creator Dr. Tamara Rial

Pre/postnatal corrective exercise specialist

Instructor of the Pelvic Floor Health program, Ola KaOla

40 years young, wife & mother of 3

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2022년 12월 20일

I enjoyed reading your story, Brianna - thank you for sharing. As a member of this program I can relate to everything you mentioned here. You can not find anything like that anywhere else. Thank you Ola Ka Ola for everything you do for us.

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