When selecting a multivitamin and mineral, be sure to choose one developed for your age range, and gender to help meet your daily targets. Award winning Dietitian - Nutritionist, Maryann Gallucci, supports the Ola Ka Ola new multivitamin formula

By Maryann Gallucci, Dietitian Nutritionist
Vitamins and minerals are essential micronutrients that must be obtained from the foods we eat. We require specific amounts based on life stage and gender. While your diet should be your primary source of essential vitamins and minerals, as we age, many of us may benefit from taking a good multivitamin and mineral supplement. They are, however, supplements and not meant to replace the diet. They only “supplement” what you may not be getting from the foods you eat. Especially if your overall diet is not varied. Even when eating a balanced and varied diet from all food groups (grains, vegetables, fruits, meats or plant-based proteins, and dairy or non-dairy foods that are a good source of calcium), it is possible that you may not be getting an adequate amount of nutrients. As we age, our bodies can become less efficient in absorbing particular vitamins. Due to hormonal changes, we become more efficient at storing fat and less efficient at building muscle. As well, bones can become less dense, leading to osteoporosis. It is important to meet your nutrient targets to support your body. "As we age, our bodies can become less efficient in absorbing particular vitamins. Due to hormonal changes, we become more efficient at storing fat and less efficient at building muscle.", Maryann Gallucci, Dietitian-Nutritionist, Ola Ka Ola. Micronutrients are essential for our bodies to function properly and support natural changes. Chromium, for example, may influence our insulin response and carbohydrate metabolism, and as a result, can help with weight. Vitamin B12 is involved in DNA production, healthy red blood cells, as well as our energy, focus, and mood. As we age, we become less able to absorb B12 and may benefit from supplementation. As well, some medications inhibit absorption. There has been much recent research on nutrients to support our immune function. They include zinc, and quercetin, along with phytonutrients that promote a healthy gut microbiome. Selecting a Multivitamin and mineral may seem a bit overwhelming The idea of selecting a multivitamin and mineral may seem a bit overwhelming and many may question “How do I know what and how much of a vitamin and mineral do I need? How do I know if I am meeting my targets from my diet? How do I know if I should be taking a supplement?” These are all very important questions to be asked. When selecting a multivitamin be sure to choose one developed for your age range and gender Blood work analysis is the best indication of vitamin and mineral status. Diet analysis is another indication to access nutrient intake. This can help identify your typical intake and which vitamins you may or may not be obtained on a regular basis. Overall insufficiency may be a good indication for taking a multivitamin and mineral supplement. When selecting a multivitamin and mineral, be sure to choose one developed for your age range, and gender to help meet your daily targets. Ola Ka Ola has developed the best-absorbed form of the needed vitamins and minerals at this particular stage in life Ola Ka Ola has developed a multivitamin and mineral supplement specifically formulated for the changing needs of women over 40. Many women may start experiencing perimenopause in their 40s. By the 50’s most women will reach Menopause and by 60’s post-Menopause. This formulation includes the best-absorbed form of the needed vitamins and minerals at this particular stage in life. Also included are a wide variety of phytonutrients to help support the changes experienced as we age. Especially joints, bones, muscle, vision, skin, hair, and hormones.
Maryann Gallucci - Dietitian Nutritionist MS, RDN, CDN, ACSM-EP-C, ACE-Health Coach.

works in Private Practice providing nutrition counseling and fitness training. She was recently awarded “2021 Long Island Dietitian of the Year” by the Long Island Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Maryann completed her dietetic internship at Queens College, where she is currently an Adjunct Lecturer in the Family, Nutrition, and Exercise Sciences Department. While earning her Master of Science in Nutrition and Exercise Sciences from Queens College and her Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Food Studies at New York University, Maryann worked in a corporate setting where she developed and managed a health and safety program. Maryann serves as the Nutrition Services and Payment Specialist Co-chair for the Long Island Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. She is a member of multiple Dietetic Practice Groups and Ola Ka Ola is honored to have Maryann as its in-house Dietitian-Nutritionist.